Aug. 5, 2024

Why You Shouldn't Fear AI: Unlocking Its Potential for Your Business

In this episode of "Simplified Solutions," Kristina Stubblefield addresses common fears about artificial intelligence (AI) and showcases its potential as a powerful business tool. From enhancing customer service to streamlining operations, Kristina explains how AI can provide valuable insights and efficiency. She shares practical advice on overcoming AI-related apprehensions, highlighting the technology's benefits for content creation and other business processes.

Kristina encourages listeners to view AI as a valuable asset for their businesses, capable of unlocking new opportunities for growth and innovation. To assist businesses on their AI journey, she introduces an AI resource hub on her website, offering tools and guidance for effectively integrating AI.

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Kristina Stubblefield: [00:00:00] Today I'm going to dive into a topic that is both very exciting and a bit intimidating for a lot of people, artificial intelligence or AI.

 Welcome to Simplified Solutions, your go to resource for small business owners and entrepreneurs seeking practical advice, innovative strategies, and simple solutions for business, marketing, and technology. I'm your host, Kristina Stubblefield. If you're eager to take your business to greater heights, then you're in the right place.

We're here to help you unleash your business's untapped potential. Boost your visibility and maximize your investments. Let's dive into the world of simplified solutions. Stay tuned and let's simplify success together.

Today we're exploring how AI is becoming an integral part of our daily lives, [00:01:00] and we're going to discuss practical ways to overcome the fear and anxiety that it often brings.

Now, let me start out by saying this. AI is already so interwoven into our everyday lives, and you might not even realize it. Do you use Google Maps? What about Apple Maps? Mmm, okay. What about Siri or Alexa? They help you manage your schedule, reminders, pop up popular items you might be interested in. Or about Netflix.

They're constantly reminding me or recommending of my next favorite show. AI is making our lives more convenient and personalized. But beyond these consumer facing applications, AI is revolutionizing industries by streamlining processes, improving [00:02:00] customer service, and providing powerful data insights.

I'm a follower of Gary V. Now, if you're not familiar with Gary V, he is a thought leader in digital marketing. He has a big emphasis on tech. It's probably why I'm drawn into that. Um, but also AI. And he often talks a lot about how AI is an inevitable part of our evolution. And I remember a couple of things.

This has been a while back, but it really stuck with me. He talked about how, remember back to when. Email first came about, okay? And people were like, oh no, I'm not getting an email or an email address. You know, it was, nope, stay away. Can you imagine what it would be like today not having email? I even remember back to when AOL came out and a lot [00:03:00] of people did not get on board with AOL and the technology of it.

And computers. I was fascinated by it. And I think about how far we've come today and what the future holds. And one of the things that I really enjoy talking about, and I do speaking and teaching engagements on this, is tools, software, the tech side that can help you run and market your business. And I'm here to tell you, I have seen firsthand for our own business, but also for our clients, the impact of using AI as a tool.

Important wording there as a tool. And I think that there's many misconceptions out there about AI, but I wanna make sure that I talk [00:04:00] about, it's okay, and it's natural to feel apprehensive about AI. I mean, let's be honest, people out there worry about job displacement, um, losing control over decision making processes.

Are you talking to a human? Is it a bot? What the heck is going on around here? I get it. But, but, AI is going to be part of our lives. It's not going anywhere. It's being integrated at lightning speeds. And what I want to make sure of is how do people navigate through the mindset that is holding them back as business owners, managers, entrepreneurs, from utilizing this amazing technology that's at your fingertips that can save you time, energy, effort, and money in your business.

How do we work through that? And I think one of the first steps is getting educated on it. What [00:05:00] are the possibilities? What are the opportunities of utilizing AI? And I'm out and about a lot in this topic people bring up to me. And I know people think AI is, it just does it for me. And when I talk about it and when I teach about it, it's all about using your own voice, your own wording.

AI example, ChatGPT. It's a learning model. It learns from you. So that's really important is understanding that this is a tool that you can plug information in. You can plug information into it about your business, what you offer, who you are, the list goes on and on. And then you can ask this tool to help you.

One example, so many people I talk with really struggle with content creation, overwhelmed, wearing all the hats, limited on time. And what's the [00:06:00] first thing that gets pushed all the way back to the back burner is putting out content about their business product or services happens. Been there, done that.

When you can take previous blog posts, website, wording, video, transcriptions, social media posts. that you've done and you can plug it into this tool and then you can ask it to help you. You can ask it to rewrite wording, help you come up with a video script, help you with social media posts for XYZ platform.

Most of the time when you identify a pain point in your business and there's a solution out there that tends to open your eyes. For you to pay more attention to. You might not jump in, but you might dip a toe. And that's why I want to have this conversation because I have [00:07:00] a lot that I want to share about ways you can utilize AI in your business. There's already so many ways, but you first have to open your mind to Up to letting the information in before you'll ever consider using a tool. So that's why I want to bring up about content creation, because that is a pain point for a lot of small business owners, entrepreneurs, the list goes on and on.

And then realizing that it can be your own words in your own brand tone. It doesn't have to just be you going out to an AI I tool in saying write a social media post for me on Facebook about digital marketing. It's not going to be authentic it definitely isn't going to represent your brand. You're going to get an answer but a generic one that other people can be using but knowing that there's ways to customize it That's the key.

I've always loved technology and been [00:08:00] drawn in to how you can implement technology in your business. And I absolutely love helping people. With their mindset around AI and how to start to understand the opportunities it can provide for you and your business. But then also how it can help elevate your client experience or your business operations and ultimately your business growth.

It can play a vital role in that, but it all starts with opening your mind and embracing AI.

What we need to focus on first is overcoming the fear that is circled around AI and really seeing it as a tool that is available to you and your business that can unlock new opportunities for innovation and efficiency in your business.

So to [00:09:00] help you with this process and learn more about AI, I've added an AI resource hub on my website. Just visit to get to it. And you will find different pieces, to help you in this AI process. Whether you're just starting to consider it, you've been using it a little bit. There's resources available no matter where you're at in your journey with AI. Just visit my website, and you will find my AI resource hub. Now, I'm going to continue this conversation on AI and starting next week, I'm going to be diving into more details in regards to tools and strategies that you can use to enhance your marketing efforts and operations and you won't want to miss it. 

 Thank you for joining us today on Simplified Solutions. If you [00:10:00] found value in this episode and want to dive deeper into topics like this, here's how you can stay connected. Join our vibrant Facebook group, Simplified Solutions with Kristina Stubblefield, to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and continue the conversation.

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Until next time, remember, there are always simplified solutions for your business.