July 29, 2024

Transform Clicks into Leads: How to Use CTAs to Increase Website Engagement and Sales

In this episode of Simplified Solutions, host Kristina Stubblefield explores how to transform casual website clicks into valuable leads using effective Calls to Action (CTAs) and lead management tools. Learn how clear and compelling CTAs can guide visitors to take specific actions, converting them into leads or customers. Kristina discusses the strategic placement and design of CTAs to ensure they are seen and clicked, boosting your website's engagement and sales.

Discover the benefits of integrating lead management software, CRMs, and all-in-one business solutions to streamline your operations. Kristina shares key features to look for in these tools, such as lead tracking, automation, and digital forms, and provides real-life examples of businesses that have successfully implemented these strategies to increase their sales and efficiency.

Tune in to hear Kristina’s tips for continuously evaluating and improving your CTAs to maximize conversions. Stay connected with Kristina for more insights and resources by visiting her website, joining the Simplified Solutions Facebook group, and subscribing to her YouTube channel.

Remember, effective CTAs and an integrated lead management tool are essential for your business's digital success. Join us and simplify your path to success!


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Kristina Stubblefield: [00:00:00] Website visitors leaving without taking action. I am going to talk about how to transform casual clicks into valuable leads with powerful calls to action. Also known as CTAs and lead management tools. 

 Welcome to Simplified Solutions, your go to resource for small business owners and entrepreneurs seeking practical advice, innovative strategies, and simple solutions for business, marketing, and technology. I'm your host, Kristina Stubblefield. If you're eager to take your business to greater heights, then you're in the right place.

We're here to help you unleash your business's untapped potential. Boost your visibility and maximize your investments. Let's dive into the world of simplified solutions. Stay tuned and let's simplify success together. 

Today we're diving into the importance of [00:01:00] website CTAs and how integrating software to manage leads can transform your business. Let's get started so you can discover the secrets to driving conversions. And optimizing your business operations.

So CTAs or calls to action are prompts on your website that encourage visitors to take specific actions such as book a call, schedule an appointment, or inquire.

These are crucial for guiding your visitors and converting them into leads or customers. Think about your own browsing habits. How often do you respond to clear and compelling calls to action?

 CTAs are essential for driving conversions. They help turn visitors into leads by encouraging them to take the next [00:02:00] step. Clear CTAs also enhance user experience by providing a clear path forward. Additionally, they play a vital role in building a sales funnel, guiding prospects through the buyer's journey.

Imagine your homepage without any call to actions. It would be like being at a store without a cash register. Visitors would have no direction, no clear next step, and you would miss out on potential sales or inquiries. When creating CTAs, ensure the text is clear and compelling. Use action oriented language that tells visitors exactly what you want them to do.

Like, get started now, inquire today, or book a discovery call.

The placement of your [00:03:00] CTAs is just as important. Strategically place CTAs on your website where they are most likely to be seen. Now, I can give you some examples. Previously, I have talked in an episode about above the fold. And other people refer to that as the header. Now, You can put a call to action there.

Some people include a call to action in their navigation, sometimes at the very end of it so it stands out. You can also include calls to action on your other web pages, not just your home page. I've also seen others use them as pop ups. Now, you want to design them to be visually appealing and easy to spot, so they catch the visitor's eye. You can use different colors, and you can make the size of the button larger. As long as it's [00:04:00] appropriate. You don't want it to be too big where it is overwhelming, but you want it to be large enough to be noticeable.

I want to mention about integrating software to manage leads. This can streamline your business operations. There's different options out there from lead management software, CRMs, which are customer relationship management systems, or all in one business solutions. And the reason that I want to mention this, because I help people with this on a consistent basis, because it helps you track, nurture, and convert leads more efficiently.

People always ask me what key features should I look for? Well, it really depends on your industry and your specific business. But I will share with you some of the key features that come to mind. Definitely lead [00:05:00] tracking, automation. So you can do automated follow ups as well as digital forms that can be integrated into your website.

Just imagine being able to see exactly where each lead is in your sales process. Setting reminders to follow up with leads and most importantly, having all of your communication in one place.

Now you may be thinking, well, how would I connect? My calls to action to a tool or a software. Well, it's usually pretty straightforward. Some of them are a link. So when you are programming your call to action button on your website, you will send them to a specific link. Or other softwares [00:06:00] have where you can embed a contact form or a lead form onto a page of your website. One of the most important things is to ensure that when a visitor clicks on your call to action, their information is automatically captured and uploaded into that system. This automation helps. with immediate follow ups and prevents leads from potentially slipping through the cracks.

For instance, if someone fills out a form to schedule an appointment or to book a discovery call, you want those details to be stored in the form. Into your CRM system or your all in one business system. And then you can follow up with them in a timely manner. Automation also [00:07:00] allows you to send personalized emails or messages based on the actions that the lead has taken, making your communication more relevant and engaging. 

Over the years, I've been fortunate to help many clients in all different industries implement tech in their business, including lead management tools, CRMs and all in one softwares. I have been able to not only see, but to also hear about so many benefits of having this tech in place for your business, regardless of how small, medium or large your team is from saving hours a week on communication and follow ups.

To not losing track of leads [00:08:00] in your email inbox or forgetting to follow up with a lead. I Have many stories of how a system or software changed people's lives for the better. One client immediately comes to mind. They didn't even realize how many leads were slipping through the cracks because they were running their business, operating it from their email inbox.

And it wasn't obvious to them what they were missing out on. Time was slipping away. So follow ups were happening sporadically. Not only did they save so much time by implementing a system. This also allowed them to focus on engaging with the leads that came in. And guess what? on converting more of [00:09:00] those leads into customers, which resulted in a significant increase in their sales.

Now, I have many, many stories that I could share, but if you do not have something in place, such as a lead management tool, a CRM, or an all in one business system, I encourage you to take the time and look into it. There are so many different ones out there. I have several that I've worked with over the years.

I know the benefits that exist, no matter what industry you're in, whether you're a solopreneur or you have a team of multiple people, there are so many benefits.

Next, take a moment to evaluate your current calls to actions on your website. Are they clear and compelling? Are they strategically placed and visually [00:10:00] appealing?

Also, I would encourage you to continuously monitor your call to action. performance and make necessary adjustments to improve conversions. Maybe it's the title that you're using on the button. Maybe it's the location.

That way you can get the best performance out of your CTAs by refining your approach based on the data.

So to recap, CTAs are crucial for guiding visitors to take action and converting them into leads and integrating a software or system can help you manage and nurture these leads effectively. If you would like to know what software and tools that I use and recommend, I have them listed on my website. I also have trainings available on my website [00:11:00] and offer free webinars throughout the year.

If you would like to be notified of upcoming trainings, make sure to join my email list or follow me on social media. Remember, effective calls to action. and an integrated lead management tool are key to your business's digital success.

 Thank you for joining us today on Simplified Solutions. If you found value in this episode and want to dive deeper into topics like this, here's how you can stay connected. Join our vibrant Facebook group, Simplified Solutions with Kristina Stubblefield, to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and continue the conversation.

For deeper dives into our topics and more exclusive content, visit our YouTube channel. Just search Kristina Stubblefield to find us. And if you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate and review us on your favorite podcast [00:12:00] platform. Your feedback fuels our mission to simplify success. We appreciate you being part of our community.

Until next time, remember, there are always simplified solutions for your business.