Nov. 13, 2023

Preparing Your Business for 2024: 4 Things to Do To Prep for 2024

In this episode of "Simplified Solutions with Kristina Stubblefield," we guide you through four essential steps to prepare your business for a successful start in 2024. We emphasize the critical role of your online presence in attracting, connecting with, and converting customers.

First, we highlight the importance of regularly assessing your online presence by Googling your business. This ensures your business information remains accurate and consistent.

Second, we stress the need to thoroughly review your website, focusing on functionality and content. A well-functioning and engaging website is crucial for leaving a positive impression.

Next, we discuss the significance of setting up or revisiting your Google Business profile. This acts as your online business card and should be complete with accurate information, customer reviews, and regular updates.

Lastly, we explore the importance of evaluating your social media channels. Tailoring your presence to your target audience, maintaining consistency, and engaging with your followers are key strategies for success.

By following these steps, you can kick off 2024 with a strong online presence and set the stage for a successful year. Additionally, Kristina introduces the "Boost Online Visibility" program for those seeking further assistance. Remember, your online presence is where everything starts, so invest the effort needed to make it shine.

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Are you tired of your business not getting the online attention it deserves? Do you find digital marketing overwhelming and time-consuming? If so, I have great news for you!
Introducing "Boost Online Visibility" program – your key to unlocking the digital marketing success your business deserves. Click here for details


Kristina Stubblefield: [00:00:00] 2024 is fast approaching and it's time to gear up for success. Do you have big plans for the new year? We've got four game changing strategies to get your business ready for 2024. Tune in now.

Welcome to Simplified Solutions, your go to resource for small business owners and entrepreneurs seeking practical advice, innovative strategies, and simple solutions for business, marketing, and technology. I'm your host, Kristina Stubblefield.

If you're eager to take your business to greater heights, then you're in the right place. We're here to help you unleash your business's untapped potential, boost your visibility, and maximize your investments. Let's dive into the world of Simplified Solutions. Stay tuned and let's simplify success together.

Before we get into today's episode, you may have noticed that we've rebranded the podcast.[00:01:00] We are now Simplified Solutions with Kristina Stubblefield. We believe this new name better reflects the direction we're heading and we can't wait to continue bringing you valuable content, insightful interviews, and my favorite, easy solutions for your business. Thank you for your continued support and we're looking forward to this exciting journey with our new name.

Now on today's show, believe it or not, the year is winding down and it's time to prepare for 2024. Taking proactive steps now is essential for a successful start to the new year. But where should you begin? I have said it before and I will continue to say it. Your online presence should be the top priority for your business.

Your online presence is where everything starts. It's how people find you, how people connect with you and how people eventually buy from you 

[00:02:00] So today we are exploring four ways to elevate and enhance your online presence, ensuring you kick off 2024 with a strong impact.

 The first step towards planning for 2024 is to assess your current online presence. And what better way to start than by Googling yourself. Really? Yes. Googling your business regularly is a must. By doing so, you can keep your finger on the pulse of your online presence and ensure that your business information is accurate, up to date and consistent across various platforms.

The second step is to review your website thoroughly. It's crucial to go through each page, including pictures, services, products, videos, and testimonials to ensure everything works perfectly. During your website review, there are a couple of critical aspects you should pay close attention to. These [00:03:00] elements play a significant role in ensuring your website is functioning optimally, that's really important and providing a positive user experience. Let's explore two important things you should check during your website review. The first aspect to consider is the functionality of your website. Go through each page and make sure that everything works just as it's intended to do so.

Test all the links, buttons, and forms. You want to make sure they're functioning correctly. This step is crucial to prevent any potential frustration for your visitors and to ensure a smooth browsing experience. The second aspect to focus on is the content on your website. Review the text, images, videos, and testimonials on each page. Ask yourself, is the content up to date? Is it relevant? Do the visuals accurately [00:04:00] represent your brand?

Ensuring that your content is fresh, engaging, and aligned with your brand identity is essential to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. By thoroughly checking the functionality and content of your website, you can address any potential issues. Make necessary updates to enhance the overall user experience.

Remember, your website is a powerful tool. One of the most powerful tools you have for attracting and retaining customers. So investing time in its review and improvement is crucial. If you don't want to do your own website review, I've got good news for you. I'm currently offering free website audits right now.

Just click on the link below to sign up and our team will review your website. For you, keeping your website up to date is essential because it serves as your brand's [00:05:00] first. Impression. A modern, up to date website instantly builds trust and credibility with your own audience, leaving a positive impact.

Moving on to the third step. It's time to set up. Or review your Google business profile. If you don't have one yet, head to Google business and make sure you create one. All you have to do is visit business. google. com. It's easy, very easy for those who already have a profile, make sure you spruce it up with some fresh pictures and ensure all the information is accurate.

Your Google Business profile acts as your online business card and plays a crucial role in your online presence. Make sure your profile is complete with all the necessary information about your business. This includes your name, address, phone number, website, hours. And let's not forget a detailed description of your products or services.

Having a [00:06:00] complete profile is essential for making a strong impression. Take advantage of the ability to post regularly on your Google business profile, share updates about new products, services, special offers that you have, and Upcoming events, keeping your audience engaged with fresh content helps build a loyal customer base and reviews are also a crucial aspect of your Google business profile.

Encourage your customers to leave reviews and make sure to respond to all of them, whether positive or negative by engaging with customer feedback, you show that you value their opinions and are committed to providing excellent service. 

Your Google business profile is a powerful tool that can make a significant impact on your online presence and visibility by optimizing your profile. Posting regularly, managing reviews, utilizing visuals, [00:07:00] and analyzing the insights, you can maximize the benefits of this free resource and propel your business to new heights.

Lastly is our fourth step. It's crucial to review your social media channels. It's important to assess whether you are on the right platforms for your target audience and if your presence aligns with your business goals. Let's dive deeper into why this step is essential and how you can optimize your social media strategy.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and it presents an opportunity, an incredible opportunity, for businesses to connect with their audience. However, not all social media platforms are created equal, and not every platform may be the best fit for your business. Ask yourself, if you are on the right platforms for your target audience, consider the demographics, interest, and behaviors of [00:08:00] your ideal customers.

For example, if you have a visually oriented business, platforms like Instagram or Pinterest may be more effective in showcasing your products or services. If you target professionals or B2B customers, LinkedIn might be a better platform to focus on. It's crucial to understand where your audience spends their time and tailor your social media presence accordingly.

By being present on the platforms your target audience uses. Guess what? You can maximize your reach, engagement, and ultimately, conversions.

Additionally, during your review, assess whether your social media profiles accurately reflect your brand. Is your bio updated with relevant information? Is your profile picture consistent across all platforms? These small details contribute to building a cohesive, and recognizable brand [00:09:00] image. Another important aspect to evaluate is your posting consistency.

Are you sharing content regularly and engaging with your audience? Consistency is key. I say it all the time. Consistency is key in social media marketing. Your followers expect fresh and valuable content from you and consistent posting helps build trust, loyalty. And a strong online presence. If you want to dive deeper into the significance of social media as a powerful tool for your business, be sure to check out our past episode on why you need to show up on social media.

Remember, social media is not just about broadcasting your message. It's about building relationships, fostering conversations, and providing value to your audience. By understanding your target audience, optimizing your profiles, maintaining consistency, and analyzing your performance, you can make the most of your [00:10:00] social media channels.

And Effectively engage with your customers,

So there you have it, four things to do to prepare for 2024. Googling your business regularly, reviewing your website thoroughly, setting up or reviewing your Google business profile, and reviewing your social media channels. Each of these steps plays a crucial role in shaping your brand image, attracting customers, and driving business growth.

By taking the time to assess and improve these areas, you can kick off 2024 with a solid and strong impact. Now, if you need help with your online presence, the doors are still open for my brand new six week program called Boost Online P resence. 

Now, if you need help with your online presence, the doors are still open for my brand new six week program. It's called Boost Online Visibility. Inside the program, we not only [00:11:00] discuss everything related to your online presence, but we go through step by step how to implement simple solutions to boost your online presence.

Check out the link in the comments to learn more. And join me today, taking proactive steps now is essential for a successful start to the new year. And as we've discussed, your online presence should be your top priority. It is where everything starts. It's how people find you, connect with you, and eventually buy from you.

By evaluating and enhancing your online presence, you set the stage for success in 2024. We hope you found these strategies helpful and inspiring. Make sure to tune in for future episodes where we'll continue to provide valuable insights and tips to help you thrive in the digital world. Until then, keep enhancing your online presence and get ready to make 2024 your best year yet.

Thank you for joining us today [00:12:00] on Simplified Solutions. If you found value in this episode and want to dive deeper into topics like this, here's how you can stay connected. Join our vibrant Facebook group, Simplified Solutions with Kristina Stubblefield. To connect with fellow entrepreneurs and continue the conversation for deeper dives into our topics and more exclusive content, visit our YouTube channel just search Kristina Stubblefield to find us. And if you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate and review us on your favorite podcast platform. Your feedback fuels our mission to simplify success. We appreciate you being part of our community. Until next time, remember, there are always simplified solutions for your business.